PhilliPhillips |
Here are my notes for the May 16, 2012 American Idol Show: Each contestant sang 3 songs. They all had their great moments during tonight's show. Joshua's best was his last song. I really enjoyed it and would give it a 9 on a 1-10 scale. He should be in the Final Two. Jessica's best was also the last one. She sang an early Michael Jackson tune and really did a great job. However, she is starting to weaken a bit. Her best score tonight: 8. Phillip's second and third songs were great. That mellower funky second tune would be fun to see in concert at the Fargo Theatre. His last song forced him to actually sing a real song with a real melody. It was amazing that he could sing like normal, even tho this is a singing competition. Best Score: 9.
First Place: Phillip Phillips.
Close Second Place: Joshua Ledet.
Third Place: Jessica Sanchez - a great singer but not quite enough to win.