Friday, August 28, 2009


When you're walking around, with a Canon A540, looking for an interesting picture waiting to be taken, it's hard to pass up reflections.
If you were thinking
that these front yard flowers
are reflecting
in the passenger-side rear window
of a 1989 Honda Civic Hatchback
you would have been correct.
I could have just said
that the back of my car
was full of fresh flowers
but that would have been

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Caption Contest

Our next in a series of Caption Contest photos comes to us from taking a picture off the television set in the garage.

Please post a comment with your caption ideas for this photo!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Legal Aliens

I recently had the pleasure of coming upon some aliens who had just landed.
Curiously, I did not feel any fear of abduction, just a calm sense of perhaps trying to have a dialogue with them, to gain some mutual understanding. They did agree to pose for a photo-op before we got started...

We agreed to take turns asking each other questions!

They first asked if they could speak to Our Leader, to which I said "Do you mean Hillary Clinton?", to which they retorted: "No, Tom Cruise!"

It was now my turn to ax, so I decided to throw them a two-part question: 1. "Why are you here?" and 2. "How long are you staying?"

Their answer was: "We are here to help Warm Your Planet", and "We are leaving because your Dear Leader has imposed a new UFO Tax, which is Driving us Out of Orbit!"

The Legal Aliens then surprised me with their next question: "Why didn't Adam Lambert win Season 8 of American Idol?" (Maybe you can help me out with a response here!)

My next two-parter: 1."What have you found to be the healthiest substance in the universe?" and, 2. "What do you use as your currency?"

Their answer to both parts: "Heineken."

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Johnny Convention

Have you ever thought how much fun it would be to have a convention of people who all had your same name? You certainly would not have to wear any name tags. At a convention of Johnnys, you would find:

Johnny The Talk Show Host

Johnny The Environmentalist
Johnny The Musician
Johnny The Actor
Johnny The Adventurer (Johnny Quest)
Johnny The SuperHero