Title: Simple Delight.
Date Written: February 10, 2007.
Copyright © 2009. All rights reserved.
{Line 1: Kit, Line 2: Johnnny, and so on and so forth.}
Title: Simple Delight.
The cheese melted quickly, like
Warming glaciers wet in the sun
Blinding, I was a deer in the headlights
Can't see between the lines on your face
Like old lace, they embrace your fast pace
Hug my brain to shock some ideas out
From beneath the cobwebs' sticky grip
Kiss the spider woman as she spins me
I am a package in her cluttered warehouse
Box me up, don't bring us down around
Bonfires in backyards where leaves flutter
Picture yourself on a path leading to
Chinese wisdom and peacepipes shared
Amongst strangers in the night, no fright
Just a simple delight, like knowing you're right
No regrets in the end. Balance your life
On a solid gold scale, dipping and teetering
What's the point, if we can't have a little fun.
An Add-On Poem by Kit & Johnnny.
Title: Simple Delight.
Date Written: February 10, 2007
Copyright © 2009. All rights reserved.
{Line 1: Kit, Line 2: Johnnny, and so on and so forth.}